Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Declaration of Independence

When it becomes necessary to break away from a government you should explain why you do so. The reasons we are about to explain are obvious. All men have equal rights such as life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. The government made of the people does not respect these rights the common man must over throw the government. When government is so bad, it is the right and duty of the people to make a new one. This is exactly what has happened to us. The king has repeatedly offended us and that is why we seek to over throw him.

The king has harmed in many terrible ways. He has burned our villages and killed our people. He has taken our people and made them fight against us. The excused the British soldiers of all their crimes they have committed against us in fake trails. He has been giving us ridiculously high taxes without our consent. Thats called taxation without representation and its not fair.

We have tried to make peace with him in many ways but instead we were given worse abuse. we also warned them that a conflict could arise but they ignored. it.. We have all the rights to overthrow a corrupt ruler such as King George III. Therefore we the people of the united states proclaim ourselves independent from now on.