Friday, January 11, 2008

POwers of the wORLD

In the powers of the world game Ju and I were the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In the bigging we were very small and weak. But our main tactic was purchasing industries and colonies. So soon we had lots of economic points and then we got a big army by the end we had the second biggest army. But in the last war we lost all our armies and most of industries. In the end our empire was weak. But the experience of building the empire was still very fun. Although all are very important for a successful empire I think colonies and industries are important. With these you can make lots of money and then later buy armies. What did well buying our armies we got lots of them and we were very powerful. What we could have done better is to make more allies because at the end we only had one. We had one good alliance with G.B which we both stuck to the end.

I learned that building your own empire strong means making other ones weak. Or else they will crush you . Also a peace treaty means nothing when it comes to war. They are broken and bonded with the blink of an eye. Thirdly i learned that when you have a opportunity attack you should waste it. we did and that led to our loss