Sunday, December 2, 2007

A Thought Provoking Step in Africa

The main visual elements are obviously the foot step and the shape of Africa. Also the parched land in the area of the footstep is a visual element.
The issue this picture represents is the effect of European imperialism on Africa. It has a negative attitude towards imperialism. The footstep in Europe's footprint. It shows that imperialism has left left a permanent mark on Africa. Up to this point the picture gives no view of imperialism. What makes it negative is the parched land inside the footprint. The parched land shows that the Europeans have taken every thing away from them. Their natural resources, traditions, and religions. As nothing is left behind the land is parched, barren, wasteland. The author also chose black as the color for Africa. This was to show the racist discrimination in Europe. Africa was called by the Europeans the dark land.
If I were to emphasize to meaning of this I would make more footprints with parched land to show that the effect was even worse.
But in my own view I would not agree with the message the picture conveys. Their were also some countries in Africa which experienced a positive side of imperialism. Like my research country, Tanzania which experienced a overall positive side of imperialism.