Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What is power?

Power is the ability to have control over others and in some cases have their respect. For example the ability to walk is not a power. But something like being a king or president is surely a form of power. Power doesn't always have to be used for good causes. Often power is misused like in the case of terrorists. A excerpts from my blog relating to power:

An part of my Cambodian Genocide research:
"The total amount of civilians estimated to have been killed by Pol Pot's tyranny is more than 2 million." This is an example of a person having power. Pol Pot was the leader of the Khemer Rouge and had a lot of power. He decided to misuse it though, an example of power being used for a malicious cause. With his power he killed over 2 million civilians. In this situation he had control over others but surely not their respect!

A excerpt from "Forced Military"
"In my countries, India and USA both do not require military service although they both encourage it." This is an example of a country having power over you as a citizen. Some countries do force citizens to serve the militatry.This sort of power is controversial and there are different opoins on it. But still it is surely not a example of power being abused. More like a case of power being used to deny rights but for a good cause.

A excerpt from "The Scramble for Africa"
"I noticed that during the game we never thought of what Africans might want, we just got what we wanted. Just like that when imperialism occured in Africa no one cared what the Africans wanted." Here is another example of power being abused. The countries of Europe used there supireour tech and military to colonize Africa without consent from the Africans. Furthermore they abused this power even greaterly by making Africans work for them. This is a clear example of having control over others.

To sum it up, I believe that power is the ability to control other and some times earn their respect. Power is not neccasarily always used in the best ways and often is harmful and evil.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Three things that I learned from pp

After the three months of population project anyone gains new knowledge and skills.
The best one I learned was the skill of time management. Through out the project I learned that if you manage your time you have no trouble, but if you wait till the last moment you struggle. Another thing I learned was how a large population can a lot of things. Finally I learned how do deal with big projects which will help in High school.