Tuesday, January 29, 2008


1.All Indian Rupees are now worthless. Only History dollars, issued by the Royal Mint, shall be used to pay Royal Taxes and Fees.

2.All classroom documents and technology, such as homework, journals and hand-outs must bear a Royal Stamp, which shall be purchased from King Coyle, for $10 History Dollars or they will not be considered legal and will not be allowed to be turned in.

3.King Coyle shall approve all books, newspapers, and pamphlets, for appropriate content. It shall be forbidden to bring reading material that is not approved by King Coyle in class.

4.The King shall appoint all public officials, including the Mayor and Sheriff, and all Judges for court cases, to insure their loyalty to King Coyle of M1.

5.There shall be a curfew in M1 of 8:25AM, and nobody is permitted to leave unless attending an activity approved by King Coyle.

6.All citizens of M1 shall attend the Church of King Coyle, Sundays, at 10:00 AM. in M1 of the Middle School. All other churches shall be closed.

7. No citizen of M1 is permitted to own a gun, rifle, or weapon of any kind.

8.Those who speak out against King Coyle or any of his policies shall be guilty of Treason and given 30 minutes of after school detention.

These were the rules we were shown a week ago. At first I thought it was all a joke but by the next day it turned out it was joke. King Coyle was sucking our history money away from everyday. He put taxes for wearing jeans, orthodontic gear, glasses, and even for turning in our assignment's. In the beginning I rebeled by not buying a paper. The on skyward the grade was a zero. I felt that king Coyle was tyranny, taking advantage on us weak students who had no power what so ever. It was injustice that we had to pay for what we wore. But a few people rebelled out of self determination and finally the king is dead. God bless M1

Where did the fourty third war take place?

My partner and I strongly believe that this war took place in El Salvador. One reason is because tortillas and beans is a typical Central American dish. Another reason is that El Salvador has been having political problems for the past 12 years. 43 wars is possible to happen in that time span. Most of El Salvador's population is Christian and in the book, whenever one used to die they put a cross. These are some reasons why my partner and I believe that this war took place in El Salvador.

As for the question why we thought the author did not mention the exact location of the book was because the issue of child soldiers is a issue of global level not just in central America. By not mention where it happened he makes you think it could have happened anywhere, and in real life it does happen or has happened almost everywhere.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Declaration of Independence

When it becomes necessary to break away from a government you should explain why you do so. The reasons we are about to explain are obvious. All men have equal rights such as life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. The government made of the people does not respect these rights the common man must over throw the government. When government is so bad, it is the right and duty of the people to make a new one. This is exactly what has happened to us. The king has repeatedly offended us and that is why we seek to over throw him.

The king has harmed in many terrible ways. He has burned our villages and killed our people. He has taken our people and made them fight against us. The excused the British soldiers of all their crimes they have committed against us in fake trails. He has been giving us ridiculously high taxes without our consent. Thats called taxation without representation and its not fair.

We have tried to make peace with him in many ways but instead we were given worse abuse. we also warned them that a conflict could arise but they ignored. it.. We have all the rights to overthrow a corrupt ruler such as King George III. Therefore we the people of the united states proclaim ourselves independent from now on.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Join or die

The main visual elements are the segments of the snake’s body that have space between them. Also the Join or Die is a main visual element. The cartoon represents that the colonies are not united as one. The words tell you that either all the colonies join to fight the British or the die. I thought the shape of the snake is to represent that if all the colonies combine then they can be dangerous to Great Britain. The artist obviously supports the idea of all the colonies combining or else he would not write join or die. I think the artist could have made a more vicious snake to show that America could be more dangerous

Sunday, January 13, 2008

I believe that the facts given this book are true.

All the facts in this book have a in text siltation of either real slaves, slave owners or trusted libraries like the library of the Congress. If the facts were not true then he would site real people.

Also in the end of the book their is full bibliography of all the sources.

Thirdly most of the sources are trustworthy like The Library of the congress.

A lot of the facts are correct because they appear in many other sites and books.
For example the part that in a ship transporting the slaves it was so crowded that they could'nt stand is true.

Lester, Julius. To Be a Slave. New York: Scholastic, 1968.

Friday, January 11, 2008

POwers of the wORLD

In the powers of the world game Ju and I were the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In the bigging we were very small and weak. But our main tactic was purchasing industries and colonies. So soon we had lots of economic points and then we got a big army by the end we had the second biggest army. But in the last war we lost all our armies and most of industries. In the end our empire was weak. But the experience of building the empire was still very fun. Although all are very important for a successful empire I think colonies and industries are important. With these you can make lots of money and then later buy armies. What did well buying our armies we got lots of them and we were very powerful. What we could have done better is to make more allies because at the end we only had one. We had one good alliance with G.B which we both stuck to the end.

I learned that building your own empire strong means making other ones weak. Or else they will crush you . Also a peace treaty means nothing when it comes to war. They are broken and bonded with the blink of an eye. Thirdly i learned that when you have a opportunity attack you should waste it. we did and that led to our loss

Sunday, January 6, 2008

My old and new goals Q3

My main goal is still to improve my writing as their is still space for improvement their.

Also my grammar goal still remains as we have not consultated that yet in class.

If I were to think of a third goal it would to improve my teamwork ability. For the I.R display I got a partner who I didn't like very much. So I had some arguments with that person and in the end we got a bad grade.

The three goals above were the ones I made for Q2

The first goal I have not met much yet because my average grade for writing was bad. Also my research paper grade was bad.

The second goal remains because we have not attended to grammar at all in this quarter.

As for the teamwork I have got any partner I do not like in humanities. But in some other classes i have and I generally get along with them fine.

My new goal would be:
To continue to improve my writing

To improve my oral skills

To improve grammar and spelling